Embarrassed on our way

Some days are just like that. You know those days when everywhere you turn something weird keeps happening? And I have this suspicion that any day which starts out weird is going to keep getting weirder.
The worst part is you often lose something oh-so-important. Today in the morning I finally received this email I have been waiting for since the past I dont know how many days and here i am sitting comfortably about to read the email and my son clicks some button on my laptop and the email is permanently vanquished from the whole of my email account. No sign of it in the delete folder or spam or archive or anywhere else for that matter.
Oh wait! The embarrassing part is yet to come! I have to email back to the person who took so long to reply anyway and give excuses just to get them to resend that email to me. Which is sooo embarrassing I could barely keep from hiding my face in my own dupatta.

Here is a life lesson I learnt just today. Women with kids who are either too small or too rowdy to get what they want them to understand have it the toughest because they literally cannot get anything done in edgewise. These kids are the best part of our lives but sometimes also the most irritating. One kid can actually very easily keep ten people running here and there which is exactly what my baby does all the time. Also his problem stems from living in a joint family system. The poor guy is so used to having people around him all the time that when he is alone he isn't sure what he should be doing. Infact, by my way of thinking my son thinks he is royalty because in our house that is how he is treated and that is exactly what he expects to be treated like.

It is a wonder to me how he manages to do anything for himself but the thing is he loves to be on his own as well. He has his own toys, his own stories (which none of us understand because he hasn't started talking yet) and his own things to do. Whatever anyone says though it is one hell of an experience, having a kid of your own. It is that feeling of being the most important person to this little being that is beyond anything you can ever feel in the world. It makes me sometimes stay awake at night and cry these weirdly emotional tears for no reason other than that I want everything in the world that is good for this little person in such a selfless way that I have never felt before.


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