"What goes around comes around."

Why do we say ‘what goes around comes around’? Why do we question the workings of the world where our thinking alters to the extent that we are directing our energies towards the negative instead of the positive? 

I don't mean questioning isn’t a good thing. It is not just good, it is essential. As human beings we can only progress, we can only move forward by questioning our own actions and deeds. When we question ourselves we look at what we are doing wrong. Only then do we develop the habit of learning from our own past. 

The question though is why do we go around being angry at something someone did wrong to us and then just to console ourselves we say “I won’t do anything but well what goes around comes around. When you do something bad to someone it will come back on you.”

It will or will not is a question of the future we cannot see, a time that might not even matter to us. Yes, hurt at that moment we are probably just venting out but do we even realize what negative impact this has on our own brains? Do we see what we are doing with our own mentality? Are we even moving forward with this kind of thought process or are we just stalling ourselves instead of consoling?

Saying what goes around comes around is an easy way to move towards a platform where we breed our minds to think in cynical and basically defeatist attitudes. In the end all we do is harm ourselves. There is no revenge for others in this kind of thinking. There is only self discouragement in this process and the end result is zero benefit to our own selves and zero harm to others. 

As individuals we are obviously allowed distinctive thinking and even encouraged to make up our own minds. But negative thoughts actually cut into your level of productivity. Studies show that negative thoughts can lead to stress, anxiety, burnout and depression among other things. Facts also state that our brain responds quicker to negative thoughts than positive thoughts so what experts suggest is that it is essential to train your brain to think positive. 

To think positive your mind needs to be trained exactly like any other body muscle needs training. When you start exercise it takes time to train your muscles into a particular shape. The process is often painful and elaborate but in the end worth the effort. If a muscle is not being used for a long time muscular atrophy sets in, which stalls the training process and takes you an extended period of time to re-train. But training your brain to think positive has its advantages which cannot be ignored. 

They say it can take about thirty days to re-train your brain and requires a lot of patience and perseverance. In the long term though this can payoff in less stress induced diseases, more motivation, an increase in productivity and an overall healthier lifestyle.

‘What goes around comes around’ is only one of the statements that leads your brain down a negative path. If we just hear ourselves talk sometimes we can see how other things we say and do also bring pessimism in our lives. Complaining is one of those. There are many other practices that are so ingrained in our daily use that we don’t even realize this is what we are doing, we don’t even see what the impact of those things said unintentionally or those automatic actions is having on us. Its time we think carefully and study ourselves. Cutting back on negativism can actually help us grow more and learn more. Lets explore the power of positive thinking.


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